
white rust Learn more about white rust

  • How to prevent and cure Achyranthes bidentata white rust?

    How to prevent and cure Achyranthes bidentata white rust?

    How to prevent and cure Achyranthes bidentata white rust? Please introduce the control method of Achyranthes bidentata white rust is mainly caused by fungus infection of the plant, the symptom is that all the aboveground parts of the plant can be damaged, the leaves appear yellowish green patches, and the corresponding back has outstanding blister protuberances, 1-2 mm in diameter. After the epidermis is ruptured, it is white and glossy and sticky.

  • How to control the white rust of amaranth by shedding leaves and swollen stems

    How to control the white rust of amaranth by shedding leaves and swollen stems

    How to control the white rust of amaranth by shedding leaves and swollen stems

  • Symptoms and control methods of morning glory white rust

    Symptoms and control methods of morning glory white rust

    The shape of morning glory is very unique, it is an annual trailing herbaceous flower, but white rust is a common disease of morning glory, if you do not pay attention to prevention and control, it is easy to reduce the ornamental value of morning glory. So what are the symptoms of morning glory white rust? How to prevent and cure it?

  • The latest control methods of amaranth white rust

    The latest control methods of amaranth white rust

    Amaranth not only has excellent edible value, but also has high medicinal value, so amaranth is also deeply narrow-minded by many people, but it will inevitably suffer from a variety of diseases and insect pests in the process of planting. White rust is one of the most common diseases. Here's the editor for you.

    2020-11-10 The latest amaranth white rust control methods
  • Symptoms and control of white rust of hollow cabbage

    Symptoms and control of white rust of hollow cabbage

    Asparagus, formerly known as Yongcai, also known as rattan vegetable, water spinach, spinach, arenaria, urn vegetable, empty cauliflower, bamboo leaf cabbage, white trumpet-shaped flower its stem center is empty, so it is called asparagus. It is widely cultivated as vegetables in rural areas of southern China. The plant of asparagus

    2020-11-08 Asparagus white rust disease symptoms and prevention and control spinach original name
  • How to control white rust of amaranth

    How to control white rust of amaranth

    Amaranth, formerly known as amaranth, alias: Yanlaihong, old and young, tricolor amaranth, Latin name: Amaranthus tricolor, amaranth, amaranth annual herbs, stems stout, green or red, often branched, hairy or glabrous when young. The body of amaranth is soft and smooth.

    2020-11-08 Amaranth white rust how to control amaranth
  • Control methods of white rust of amaranth

    Control methods of white rust of amaranth

    Control methods of white rust of amaranth

  • Removal method of kiwifruit rust

    Removal method of kiwifruit rust

    1. Garden selection: choose shallow mountains and hills with leeward to the sun, sufficient water source, convenient drainage and irrigation, deep soil layer and rich humus. One meter square hole was used for soil preparation, and farm manure 50kg and mature cake fertilizer 2kg were applied to each hole. 2. Planting technology: one-year products were grafted into strong seedlings with a row spacing of 3 m.

  • Integrated control techniques of rape white rust

    Integrated control techniques of rape white rust

    The pathogen of rape white rust is white rust, which is a common disease in rape and cruciferous vegetables in the Yangtze River valley, which is often associated with rape downy mildew on the same flower axis. Symptoms: all organs in the aboveground part of rape can be susceptible to disease during the whole growth period. There are small light green spots on the surface of the leaves, and then yellow.

  • Key points of prevention and control of rust of Tripterygium

    Key points of prevention and control of rust of Tripterygium

    Symptoms: at the beginning of the infected leaves, yellow-green dots appeared on the front of the leaves, gradually enlarged, and the surface was orange-yellow spots. In the middle of June, yellow powdery black spots appeared on the disease spots, that is, sexual spore organs, and yellow powdery spores were produced on the back in the later stage. Rust spores are produced inside, causing damage to pines and cypresses in autumn and winter.

  • The latest control methods of white rust of hollow cabbage

    The latest control methods of white rust of hollow cabbage

    Puccinellia oleifera originates from tropical China and is widely distributed in Southeast Asia. Now it is widely cultivated in South, Central, East and Southwest China. White rust is a common disease of water spinach, which is widespread, harmful and harmful to leaves, petioles and tender stems.

    2020-11-10 The latest asparagus white rust disease prevention methods
  • Control method of white rust of water spinach

    Control method of white rust of water spinach

    Control method of white rust of water spinach

  • What are the insecticides commonly used in flowers?

    What are the insecticides commonly used in flowers?

    What are the fungicides often used by flowers? Please introduce the fungicides commonly used in flowers for reference: triadimefon can prevent, eradicate and fumigate rust and powdery mildew. Apple rust, Chinese white poplar rust, chrysanthemum rust, Carex rust, rose rust, rose powdery mildew, crabapple white.

  • How to control "white rust" of asparagus

    How to control

    Due to the high temperature and rain after the beginning of summer, asparagus is prone to white rust. Once the disease occurs, it not only reduces the yield, but also affects the quality. First, at the beginning of the onset of the symptoms, the disease spot appears yellowish to yellow spot on the front of the leaf, then gradually browns, the disease spot is larger, and the back of the leaf is white blister-like spot, nearly round or elliptical.

  • How to prevent and cure white rust of asparagus?

    How to prevent and cure white rust of asparagus?

    How to prevent and cure white rust of asparagus? Please advise one is to practice rotation with other vegetable varieties for 2 to 3 years. Second, before sowing, seed sterilization was carried out according to the proportion of 100kg seeds, 300g and 35% metalaxyl; third, at the initial stage of the disease, 6000 to 7000 times of 50% nail cream copper wettable powder was used, or 72.2% pric water was used.

  • How to prevent and cure the white rust of asparagus?

    How to prevent and cure the white rust of asparagus?

    How to prevent and cure the white rust of asparagus? Please advise: 1. Practice rotation with other vegetable varieties for 2 to 3 years. Second, before sowing, seed sterilization is carried out according to the proportion of 100kg seeds 300g and 35% metalaxyl; third, at the initial stage of the disease, 6000 to 7000 times of 50% nail cream copper wettable powder is used, or 72.2% Purek water agent is used.

  • What are the reasons for the occurrence and prevalence of peanut rust?

    What are the reasons for the occurrence and prevalence of peanut rust?

    What are the reasons for the occurrence and prevalence of peanut rust? Peanut rust is a fungal disease caused by peanut stalk rust. The summer spores are yellow, round or nearly round, with micro-thorns on the surface, and there is a germination hole on each side of the middle part of the summer spores. Most summer spores produce only one germinating tube, which forms appressorium at the top of the germ tube.

  • Control technology of chrysanthemum white rust

    Control technology of chrysanthemum white rust

    Chrysanthemums are loved by people because of their beautiful, bright and fragrant flowers. Growing flowers can cultivate people's sentiment, enrich cultural life, and improve physical and mental health. At the same time, some varieties of chrysanthemums can be eaten or used in medicine, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. But in the process of cultivating and breeding chrysanthemums, they often suffer from a variety of diseases.

  • Identification and control of rape white rust

    Identification and control of rape white rust

    Identification and control of rape white rust

  • How can you prevent cabbage white rust?

    How can you prevent cabbage white rust?

    How to cultivate asparagus? Please guide 1. Variety selection. The varieties suitable for planting are big chicken yellow, big bone green, sword leaf, silk silk, big chicken green and so on. Second, the cultivation season. Greenhouse cultivation can basically produce and supply year-round. Third, soil preparation and fertilization. The growth rate of asparagus.
